Friday, February 25, 2005

I am so smart. Ess Em Ar Tee.

so now i'm posting from my other office, and have no fear of the posting monster that refuses to accept more than X words, where X is usually 30 words shy of what i wanted to say.

work is, well, frustrating. you know how it is. at then end of the day, i shouldn't complain, because anybody would be lucky to have these kinds of problems. my problem is that i'm not terribly people-oriented, no matter how hard i try. it's just against my nature to coddle, comfort, and coax good consistent work out of people.

i'm more of the following school of though: i'll lead them to the task i need them to do. i'll explain how it must be done. i'll even go so far as to make them understand the importance of it. if they then screw up, KAPOW. my father, on the other hand, somehow makes them feel as though it will make them better people to complete the task, and they even thank him afterwards.

black magic, i tell you.

i am very very sleepy. damned CoH kept me going till midnight last night. sooooo much fun. teamed up with a really talented controller who helped me blitz through a Tsoo mission. those guys are most irritating, what with their mind-sorcery, and good ol' Johnny G lacking in anything resembling a mind-sorcery defense...

mind you, i also soloed 2 missions that were at LEAST +2 on me, which makes Johnny a 1337 scrapper, methinks. almost to lvl 19, and that much closer to stamina!

ok. if my cuz doesn't show this afternoon for some reason, it will be very bad, so i sincerely hope everything works out and we can be done with the badbad.

CoH saturnight? i shall ask da boyz.


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