Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Taipei heart pounder concluded.

i swear. i think i age about 1 year every time i have one of those meetings. the effort required to maintain focus for a matter of such importance is staggering to me. mind you, i think i acquitted myself and my company rather well, but then again, my ego certainly will not die of starvation.

all in all, i think it went well.

now then, on to the next mo-fo. set em up and knock em down.

as usual, from this side of the planet, the structural issues my company is having seem inconsequential and easily resolved. it is a testimony to the ability of those idiots in montreal that it only takes them a few days to knock me back down and bog me in the quagmire of their habits and personalities.

i WILL break them this time, however. i'm not going to let my company's growth be hampered by a few too many chiefs. time to make some indians, while my dad and i still have the energy to do so. it is, after all, better to make an effort to bend these idiots rather than spend time and resources bringing new folk up to speed on our unique methods of operating. if the effort fails, it is because i will have failed, not because they are knuckle dragging mouth breathers. <----(repeat ad nauseum, until i believe it.)


Blogger Isa said...

Will there be some popcorn available during fight-nights? Sounds so cool, I might want to watch...

...oh could you bring me back a postcard or two from the far east please Moossieu Carloo? Meerrrccci!

7:34 AM  

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