Friday, September 29, 2006

impulse shopping

you ever buy an expensive pair of shoes or a nice jacket on a whim? well, you should try impulse corporation shopping for a bit of variety. we are in the middle (and by middle i mean the decision to go ahead was made yesterday and the move has to be done by tomorrow) of a nice acquisition. i had to find industrial movers yesterday, and today/tomorrow the big stuff starts shuffling over. where are we going to put everything (ie, all the machinery)? who knows...

my day is fuxxored, and a good chunk of the day tomorrow is also ruined, but hey. i should still be able to head over to marcmarcmarc's by about 5 or 6. argh. sooooo sleepy.

hopefully i can finish what needs to be finished and zip over there straight away.

the cost of the move? i wish you wouldn't ask that. ugh.

but Yay! (at least from a corporate point of view). now we'll have a pretty amazing product line, apart from the manufacturing and turnkey stuff we do for others.

let's hope everything goes without a hitch.


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