Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Stress Relief

got out of a 2 hour meeting from hell with another awesome order, but it's taking its toll, amico mio...

on a positive note, i held a wee little baby during dinner tonight, and the little guy just stared and stared and the spooky italian holding him. it felt nice. and put things a little more in perspective...

bab5 update:
finally saw londo and g'kar last night, but for a measly 30 SECONDS! i'm getting upset. delenn is still hot, and Zathras is HILARIOUS, but something's gotta be done SOON about this strange, out of place, and contrived hostility between garibaldi and sheridan. methinks there's foul play afoot. i believe it's a ruse to get garibaldi placed high up in clark's govt...


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