Monday, January 24, 2005

Johnny Guano

yeah, he's cool.  I think I have a bad case of CoH today, and may just have to go home early.  heehee.  actually, i do indeed have a cold today, and my mind is ti-red.
that is one hell of a good game, and quite a nice diversion for me.  it involves most of my close friends, and Ali really enjoys watching as well.  mind you, as soon as she accepts the following 2 points, the more fun she'll have.
1-sometimes, there is NOTHING you can do to prevent your death, and regardless, dying ain't no thang anyway...
2-there is no real linear storyline, so one doesn't really suffer for missing out on a few hours of game play here and there...
so that's it, boys and girls.  i'm officially sucked in.  it is immensely (sp?) fun, and the boys have been exceedingly warm in their welcomes.
toodles from the front,
ps: somebody turn that damned thermostat back up.


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