Friday, March 10, 2006

WOOT! Heart pounders completed.

oh, and 1$ DVDs (movies that still happen to be in the theatres are available too. Gotta love "restricted freedom communist" countries...)

Taipei done. Changping done. Tangxia in progress. Next is Shanghai.

prices are so awesome here, that i didn't even bother to check out of my "VIP" room in the 5 star Metropolitan Yiking hotel while i stayed in Changping last night.

Ah, can't forget the Karaoke. OH! OH! and the food. ferchrissake, that stuff is awesome.

the good news is that i'll probably be living/working out here next year for a significant chunk of time. looking forward to it. then again, if stuff goes extra well, i won't have to. either way, it's win-win for me. i think all the effort and stress of the last little while is starting to pay off.



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