we had an altogether pleasant weekend. friday evening, we went on a little shopping romp, which is always fun to do with ali. saturday morning, we headed over to Orford for the wedding, checked in to our dorm-room, and off i went to a picnic bench on the grounds and set about writing. words flew left and right, and there was much carnage and lamenting in my wake.
oh, the wedding. we had tremendous fun, really, and even danced (!) along with clayton. can ya believe it?
yesterday, i was semi-conscious, not from a hangover, but strictly lack of sleep. my cousin, his wife, and baby came over for supper.
oddly, despite the ridiculous heat and absence of air-conditioning saturday, combined with my two-fisted scotch and sodas (they were so very cold and refreshing), i didn't wake up all dehydrated and head-achy...
this week, i fly to florida for a fun filled fucking business meeting.
oh, the wedding. we had tremendous fun, really, and even danced (!) along with clayton. can ya believe it?
yesterday, i was semi-conscious, not from a hangover, but strictly lack of sleep. my cousin, his wife, and baby came over for supper.
oddly, despite the ridiculous heat and absence of air-conditioning saturday, combined with my two-fisted scotch and sodas (they were so very cold and refreshing), i didn't wake up all dehydrated and head-achy...
this week, i fly to florida for a fun filled fucking business meeting.
] Master William Horner came to our village to school when he was about eighteen years old: tall, lank, straight-sided, and straight-haired, with a mouth of the most puckered and solemn kind.. Buller put on his hat, which was the only dry thing about him, and the nervous Podington started the horse so suddenly that even the sea-legs of Buller were surprised, and he came very near going backward into the water; but recovering himself, he sat down.. Just then a remarkably handsome carriage drove up to the private door of the hotel.. Delafield will address you. It fell about as regularly and after the fashion of the stick beating upon the bass drum during a funeral march.. Strangely enough, I had happened to think of Lenau during the afternoon.. Yet you must have seen the glass in which your wife looks every morning, and I take it that glass must be daily enchanted.. Did you say one hundred, sir? Beautiful lots--valuable water privileges--shall I say one hundred for you? Oui, monsieur ; I will give you von hundred dollar apiece, for de lot vid de valuarble vatare privalege; c'est ca.. Exactly so, said the gentleman; and regardless of the propriety of first sending to consult the persons who had engaged the carriage, he told his wife to step in, and following her instantly himself, they drove away to Rutgers Place.. Holley, one of the inspectors, settled the whole thing.. I just knew it would be like this! chirruped Miss Evelyn.. Going in, Hargraves would find a little table set with a decanter, sugar bowl, fruit, and a big bunch of fresh green mint.. She was barefooted, but her blue-checked gingham was clean and belted smartly about a small waist.. If I felt myself warmly drawn to any one I struggled with the fierce desire of seeing him through the spectacles.. Before he could rise, she pulled him back into his seat.. As long as psychology settled this question with the verbal explanation that the psychic is the conscious and that unconscious psychic occurrences are an obvious contradiction, a psychological estimate of the observations gained by the physician from abnormal mental states was precluded.. The little one as the genital--to be run over as a symbol of sexual intercourse (another dream of the same agoraphobic patient).. Podington agreed with his friend that walking home was the best thing they could do.. The difficulties imposed by the life-preserver, and the necessity of holding on with one hand, interfered very much with his getting at the anchor and throwing it over the side, but at last he succeeded, and just as the boat threw up her bow as if she were about to jump on shore, the anchor went out and its line shot after it.. That I have not treated exhaustively the part played in the dream by the psychosexual life and have avoided the interpretation of dreams of an obvious sexual content is due to a special reason which may not come up to the reader's expectation...
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