Monday, November 12, 2007

i Still standing!

said tony montana.

hey, that was quite a work-burnout-induced virus last week, wasn't it?

whew. well, all's "better" now, so there. i finished Call of Duty 3, qualified for the PGA tour in Tiger Woods golf, and watched a heck of a lot of TV. remarkably little reading was done, but at least i rested.

antibiotics have made me realize just how out of synch i am with today's world. i really belong in a different time, say London circa 1860 or so.

it's a bit of a convoluted explanation that requires tailoring based on the listener's reactions, which i'd be more than willing to enter into should you remind me.


Blogger alan said...

(i thought I commented on this one...)

1860 London... so the virus you had could have killed you?

7:36 AM  

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