Friday, October 01, 2004

gosh i'm tired

that was a good game to watch last night, and as usual nuffle decided the victor. still, it was very entertaining.
not nearly as entertaining as watching Bush twitch, stumble, contradict himself, and slip back into his texan vernacular under stress.
what's particularly amusing in a dread-filled sort of way, is how he will still get people to vote for him. consider that his performace last night was the end product of a total spare-no-expense preparation and that he was absolutely at his most equipped and polished, and allow yourself to be filled with dread. remember, he has access to THE BUTTON, folks. The Button. it's a damn shame that a country as powerful and influential as the USA can actually subject itself semi-willingly to such utter buffoonery...and in so doing drag the rest of the world's economy along for the ride.

tonight beginneth the painting. no diversions until sunday, malheureusement...

haven't had a comment to my posts in a while, though for all i know these words drift unnoticed through cyberspace, kinda like how George Dubbya's thoughts drift unnoticed through his brain...

YEE-HAW! (i swear, at some points last night i fully expected him to just totally revert. what a complete idiot. how in God's name can he be permitted to even own a driver's license???)


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