Monday, January 29, 2007

day 2

Day one was spent a little hung-over. well, not so much hung over as "tentatively awake". i approached all functions with a deliberate hand yesterday.
must have forgotten to drink enough water the night before.
shooting those nasty bug things was just what the doctor ordered, Ffej. His vodka prescription was quite pleasant as well.

yesterday was my good friend's father's wake in the (very) west island. altogether a nice way to pay one's respects. a house full of people, and not one was "coffin crawling", an art absolutely perfected by old italian women whose purpose in life, apart from feeding their husband, is to wear black and bemoan the suffering that is the universe upon his passing.

Ali is now in europe. she comes back in 2 saturdays. check in periodically on my condition.
ooooh, i've a great idea for saturday if marcmarcmarc's up for it.


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