Friday, April 28, 2006

that movie was sufficiently frightening last night

Silent Hill. creepy. not at all cerebral. fine by me.

what's the weekend gonna be like? well, for starters, the fucking wedding is not this weekend! so, jeffzors, it looks as though we is free.

tonight? no real plans, apart from mebbe a beer with an old friend o'mine.

well, let's have at this day, then, and see what comes of it. i may have to fire somebody today, so *sigh*

Thursday, April 27, 2006

yay! got me wolf.

tonight, we're going to watch Silent Hill. I loooooove horror movies, but cannot watch them alone. dunno why.

last night was a revelation to me. the reason i felt so good when a given sports team i decided i was a fan of would win is because it sorta validates me. it's kind of like looking up product reviews for things you've already bought.

well, i'm a montrealer, and while it's an excellent city, it just so happens i was born here. it wasn't a choice or anything. now when the "montreal canadiens" win hockey games, it doesn't make one ounce of difference to me, except that if they prolong the post-season, more money flows through the city, which theoretically means the cocksucking government scum sticks their diseased grubby paws into my pocket a little less often or deeply.

i was pleased watching them win last night, and then sad when they blew it. that's what made me realize the above. if they win the stanley cup, it automatically makes me cooler for living in montreal and smarter for staying, right?

i like tradition, and lord knows this team has plenty of that, and i also don't believe in always pulling for the underdog. i rather like domination, and when the big bad kicks the shit out the wee martial arts kid who is teary eyed trying to avenge his recently slain master.

so it would please me for the canadiens to trounce the league, if for no other reason than they're the original hockey team, and playing against corporate clubs like carolina where they can't even spell hockey and have 2 for 1 nights is very appealing.

i just don't get the depression i feel when Italy breaks my heart every 4 years. i guess the italian in me needs validation out there in the world...

dispute away, but this is a one man blog, so HA! no debate here. ;p

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


now this, ladies and gentlebeasts, is what feeling tired really means. whew.

my Li'l lappie got its heart transplant today, and is feeling much better. now i just have to ship the old one back to dell, unless i feel like getting billed for 2 laptops.

tonight? WoW, and hopefully i manage to buy my wolf.

my golf club opens in 2 days. ooooooh, YAY!!!!

'ere we go, den.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wow! I guess I was having computer problems.


ahh, weekends...

and it really was fun. spent more time than is usual with a great friend of mine, which was a very pleasant experience. it's really nice to feel as welcome as i do. the guy could be tim robbins!

Gratz on the career, by the by!

Oh, and i think alan's strategy to ignore me until i get irritated enough to fly down to the left coast is working...

here's to the new week!

moo? computer problems?

can it be? oh, gotta take the boating exam today. yay! government regulations! yay!

Monday, April 24, 2006

this is only a test

not again!

weekend was roxxors.

and it really was fun. spent more time than is usual with a great friend of mine, which was a very pleasant experience. it's really nice to feel as welcome as i do. the guy could be tim robbins!

Gratz on the career, by the by!

Oh, and i think alan's strategy to ignore me until i get irritated enough to fly down to the left coast is working...

here's to the new week!

weekend. woot!

and it really was fun. spent more time than is usual with a great friend of mine, which was a very pleasant experience. it's really nice to feel as welcome as i do. the guy could be tim robbins!

Gratz on the career, by the by!

Oh, and i think alan's strategy to ignore me until i get irritated enough to fly down to the left coast is working...

here's to the new week!

nice weekend was had by all

and it really was fun. spent more time than is usual with a great friend of mine, which was a very pleasant experience. it's really nice to feel as welcome as i do. the guy could be tim robbins!

Gratz on the career, by the by!

Oh, and i think alan's strategy to ignore me until i get irritated enough to fly down to the left coast is working...

here's to the new week!

action packed weekend of fun!

and it really was fun. spent more time than is usual with a great friend of mine, which was a very pleasant experience. it's really nice to feel as welcome as i do. the guy could be tim robbins!

Gratz on the career, by the by!

Oh, and i think alan's strategy to ignore me until i get irritated enough to fly down to the left coast is working...

here's to the new week!

action packed weekend of fun!

and it really was fun. spent more time than is usual with a great friend of mine, which was a very pleasant experience. it's really nice to feel as welcome as i do. the guy could be tim robbins!

Gratz on the career, by the by!

Oh, and i think alan's strategy to ignore me until i get irritated enough to fly down to the left coast is working...

here's to the new week!

Friday, April 21, 2006

mark twain said it best

the right to swing your arm extends to the tip of my nose and no further.

You scored as Libertarian. Libertarians believe that you have the right to live your life as you wish, without the government interfering, as long as you donĂ¢??t violate the rights of others. This translates into strong protections for privacy and property rights, and a weak to non-existent social safety net.



Pro Business Republican


New Democrat




Old School Democrat


Socially Conservative Republican


Foreign Policy Hawk


What's Your Political Philosophy?
created with

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i have christened the terrace season in mtl

last night, with yet another bout of terrible service and so-so food. granted, i'm getting much pickier overall as i get older, but yesterday evening felt like toronto, or . it'll be a while before i venture into uncharted restaurant territory again without some seriously heartfelt assurances.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

roight. it's a bleedin' bee-yoo-tee-full day out there.

and off i go into the world. wish i had a convertible. then again, that would mean a short haircut for sure, cuz dis euro-hair (i love Ali) wouldn't go over too well in the office if i constantly arrived all disheveled. as it is, there is a tension filled uncomfortable detente 'twixt me and da boss that is only being upheld by the Churchill-esque obstinance of my hair goo...
gotta runzors!
ciao tutti.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

nope. didn't happen

let's hope for today, then. oh, and the golf season is upon us at last! additionally, it seems as though my dad has finally seen the light, and is talking about switching over to the Royal Montreal in 2 seasons. now we're talking! if you're gonna spend da big bucks on a golf club, it may as well be that one...

Monday, April 17, 2006

wha? who? where? when?

did somebody see a long weekend zip by there a minute ago? sheesh. they really shouldn't drive so fast. might cause an accident somewhere.
on another note, the thingie is still unresolved. methinks the vendor has dollar signs in his eyes, after he saw my father's car...
on yet another note, i will do everything in my power to end up over at ye beste pubbe evar later today...let's see if that can happen...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

last night was immensely fun and amusing

i wonder what tonight shall bring? i hope it measures up and what not, although i'm not of a mind to put too much effort into it, so hopefully something good falls in my lap, so to speak.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

many irritating little things to take care of today.

and here we go! we're off!

Monday, April 10, 2006

i gotta change my tune a little

DELL is actually a pretty impressive company. the Li'l Lappy works great. The technician came in at 9:30 this morning (i called for him on friday) and he replaced a part that i claimed was defective. it's rather strange, but the touchpad was acting up for about an hour the second day after i got this Latitude X1. It miraculously healed itself over the weekend, but he came by anyway with a replacement this morning and swapped it out with no questions asked.
and it's rather comforting to have that "I can play frisbee with my laptop if i really wanna" warranty...
All in all, if you have to buy a laptop for work related (Microsoft Office and such, NOT Human Genome calculation or Doom 4 reviewing) whatnot and your budget allows for about 2,500$ (tax, extra do-dads, mega warranty, etc), then this is the system for you.

Friday, April 07, 2006

hrm. i wonder if it's fixed by now...

on the new lappie, i am currently running an experiment to see if i am now able to post more than the usual 5 word updates on this, the cyberspace vomitorium of my mind. here's hoping!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

sweet sweet cleveland

this lappie is acting up again, and as it turns out it's not covered under warranty any more. my new laptop is apparently at customs waiting for clearance. cuz, y'know, those sneaky terrorist type laptops often scurry across the border to wreak havoc among the docile citizen computers...

now i'm prepping for my meeting, while on about 5 hours of sleep. i wish i was one of those guys like Stalin or Patton that could operate on 4 to 5 hours per night, but alas, i'm too delicate a flower for that. i need about 7 to 8 hours to be human and avoid the fluttery tummy feeling, foggy brain, and heavy eyes.

hrm. i trust ali's ok back in montreal, and am seriously looking forward to that trip this summer. it'll be nice to be in an airport for leisure...

Monday, April 03, 2006

well, i made it.

an it's 1:30 in the morning. i was supposed to arrive at around 10 pm. everything possible that could have happened did indeed happen. unfuckingbelievable.
gotta focus for tomorrow's meetingzors.