Monday, October 30, 2006

the anger sharks

and with that mood, i went off to do one of those online quiz thingies. surprised by the results? me neither.

[URL=][B]Take the Hecatombâ„¢ TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.[/B][/URL][/CENTER

Friday, October 27, 2006

hail to thee, fair weekend

today is fun filled and exciting. well, i have quite a few meetings, and i'm particularly looking forward to one.
tonight? no clue. looking for a drink and/or movie. we'll see.
this weekend? well, if the weather holds on sunday, then we's a-huntin'.
other than that, steady as she goes.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

what's in store for tonight?

a whole heck of a lot of nothing, that's what!
maybe watching a movie, definitely chilling out on the couch. oh, and maybe a scotch or three...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

i'm getting

really really fatigued. i mean it sincerely. very. very. tired.
that's not terribly good, i think.

Monday, October 23, 2006

almost forgot!

hide those photos, alan! they could be misconstrued...

funny thing about the weather...

is that people still willingly move to places where the weather absolutely sucks...

i had a most pleasant weekend. much fun (and drinking, incidentally) was had by all. i'm a little older now, and have to remember that the booze is a stern mistress...

overall, it was highly amusing and very relaxing. i look forward to the next.

Friday, October 20, 2006

is it tonight yet?

so very thirsty!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Alan ho! Off the starboard bow!

Monday, October 16, 2006

interesting week ho!

my good buddy's gonna be in town as of wednesday night. should be able to do lunches and dinners and the whole thang before the, erm, uh, kilt fitting on saturday.

trying to beat down a cold today. so far, we're at a stalemate.

Friday, October 13, 2006

certified pre-owned vehicles

words fail me. whenever i attempt to describe the extent to which i abhor consumer marketing, i come up short. marketing and the lemming-esque mentality of the great unwashed give me very little in the way of reassurance that the human race is headed in the right direction.

it's not just a mint. it's a tic-tac.

for the @#$@*$*@! love of @#$@$%T^ christ!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

what's up for tonight?

energy's pretty low, so I'll wager that you won't be seeing me scaling any mountains. i'm thinking that i'll let a television watch me for a while before settling in with that ever-entertaining author's work some more.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ever so slightly massively busy

sorry for the lack of complain-o-posts...
the weekend was very fun. this week is proving to be psycho-busy.

Friday, October 06, 2006

long weekend ho!

and it'll be fun. we're heading up, and looking to do a little poking through the woods with shotguns in hand. :D

business? wow. there were already a few VERY exciting things happening, and now there appear to be even more.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

it's like deja vue

all over again.
every october. like clockwork.

Monday, October 02, 2006

nary a hitch to be found

and you know why? because i was the master of my domain for two days. Il Duce gave me run of the place, and apart from a half dozen or so last minute thingies, i had a big crew of folk all listening to me.
y'know, its really really nice when you ask someone to do something and they do it without having to "understand" you first.

*warm fuzzies*

let's see how long this lasts, shall we?