Monday, December 17, 2007


my brother just gave me Mass Effect (really neat-o xbox360 game) for xmas. oh, happy day.

this past weekend was interesting. on friday night, we went to my friend/customer's christmas party, had a few, laughed a ton. saturday night was my company's xmas party (more bleh, less awesome), and yesterday was the 'looking for luke' trek through the snow. wow, that was slightly dangerous.

i love my new grey suit, the thin-lapelled two button really slim number straight out of 60's era James Bond films, by the by... and it was much much less expensive than the tailor made jobbies i've got. i love being off the rack, at least off the rack in european stores, where the average male doesn't carry along an extra 40 pounds of gut...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

unt zo

that was sooo pleasant last night. i wouldn't say it was a rompin' stompin' good time, but i did leave the evening feeling more civilized and so on than when i arrived.

Ffej's cousin is most agreeable.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Started watching Entourage last night. marcmarcmarc was extremely right in recommending it to us so heartily. we're really enjoying it thus far, but i predict that we'll run out of show much sooner than with the other series we've watched...
anyhow, it's awesome and i also recommend it, if your taste runs towards fashionable humour and hollywood inside-y type stuff...

on another note, we dug ali's little car out of the snow last night, followed by a tasty tasty hot blackcurrant juice and balsam drink (mmmmmmmm, bitter, sweet, steaming, spicy--very very winter), lasagna, and plenty o'bourbon.

needless to say, sleep came easy, rgardless of that naughty twinkle i've been noticing in SWMBA's eye as of late...

Monday, December 03, 2007

let it snow

let it snow, let it snow.

looks awesome out there!