about eight holes into a round of golf at St-Raphael yesterday, my swing finally gelled. on a 480 yard par five i hit my second booming drive in a row, which put me in a long-odds position to actually go for the green in two. a 220 yard three iron proved to be too much, however, and in overforcing it i managed to roll the fucker thirty yards instead. ok, lesson learned. too much too quick. well, seven holes later i had been gradually increasing both my confidence, consistency, and power to this fateful point:
it was a short par five (465 yards) that had a generous fairway that arced to the right (which is not always the best thing for my draw) slightly, and an elevated green that was well guarded by bunkers and irritatingly thick rough. the wind was blowing into my face slightly from left to right, which i felt would eliminate the power draw that would result from me really leaning into the drive while (hopefully) not robbing me of too much badly needed distance. i managed to (for me, anyway) crank one out there in the left side of the fairway, leaving a perfect angle towards the green. 200 to 205 yards left to go, which meant i could give it a try. out came my wonderful hybrid strong lofted three iron, and off went the ball in that wonderful (yet uncharacteristic for me) high fading flight, depositing it on the right side of the green. the ball trickled over to settle finally in the right fringe. due to the elevated green, i couldn't see if i had succeeded, and was afraid that i may have overshot or kicked too far right, as the feedback in my hands was pointing to a very strongly hit ball. when i reached the top of the mound, there it was, sitting in the right fringe all cosy-like, just about pin-high.
i walked away with a par. and i couldn't care less.
happy happy day.
in other news, can't wait to start a-choppin' and a-slicin' with my new knife.