ah, china. they are hemmorhaeging (sp?) money like crazy, people like us tell them why, and they don't seem to care and/or believe the reasons...
well, they are digging their own graves. with the canadian dollar so high, the costs of automation in north america are now much cheaper, and the lack of automation is the only thing that holds us back over here. they have zerg-like people, we need stuff made. if we automate, we don't need their people. crash goes their economy.
this is what's happening across the board, by the by, not just in my own little universe.
because it's a communist country with full press control, we're not hearing about the real problems that are beginning to bubble to the surface. all those hundreds of thousands of people shifted to work in south china factories are now cut loose, with nowhere to go.
because of foreign investment and chinese high financial type folk, shanghai is a mega-expensive city in which to live. they got around this by having the workers and the factories in the outskirts of town. with industry dying right now (even if it picks up again later), how is the city itself going to remain self sufficient if there are no peasants around to bring the huge amounts of revenue and resources in on a daily basis?
anyhoo, i ran into Great Big Sea at the pub the other night.
I asked my vietnam vet buddy what pistol i should consider buying (remember that all you can do with one in canada is drive directly from your home to a gun club and shoot at silhouette targets), and realized he was the wrong guy to give advice. stopping power, accurate follow-up round, and hydrostatic shock were not in my list of priorities for a handgun. those of you who know me know that
*I* would never be the one to actually shoot someone who needed shootin'...
that's like the carpenter on a build site trying to install a toilet. the plumber would brain him with a monkey wrench for taking the job away from him.
blah blah blah. i've been talking bidneh stuff with various folks till midnight and starting again at 6:30am, so i'm a little chatty.