tiger woods...tiger woods.
wow, that guy is amazing.
in other news, our weekend went not at all as planned, but still very amusing. friday night we spent at my cousin's place and had a great time, as per usual. saturday was supposed to be spent on the slopes up north, but the unpredictable weather kept us home. damn! well, we made the best of it, etc etc.
sunday there was supposed to have been a gathering of like-minded (read: alcoholic) folk around the xbox/rock band combo, but instead found ali and i on mount royal doing (well, she was doing and I was crudely imitating) a bit of cross-country skiing. this was followed by a walk to the jean-talon market, where incredible stuffed olives, wonderful smoked pork products, and a delicious chicken were purchased. said chicken was stuffed, roasted, and savoured.
oh, and mass effect (video game, y'all) is building to an incredible finish. rare, very very rare, is the time when as i'm playing a video game, the story actually makes me go WOW! HOLY CRAP!