stupid computers.
i hate them so much!
doom3 was particularly fun last night, and the end is in sight. luckily, we're slated to tackle half-life 2 next. joy!
i'm going to start outlining a "what if" type plot for another foray into novel-land.
my fours and fours of readers should be waiting with baited breath for that one!
i may need a guinness infusion soon. and by may i really mean WILL. and by soon i mean NOW.
so far i'm really liking this new "i don't lose my temper" me. i can still go all caricature ranting in my personal life, but as cray ton has often pointed out, i am basically schizo in the way my personality is divided between business and non.
this makes it easy for me to remove "prone to violence" and "hot tempered" from my list of dis-ad's on my work character sheet, while retaining their more light-hearted versions for the amusement of others in my personal life.
oh, i read some article about these new LiveDungeons they have at GENcon now. twenty bucks for a 1 hour interesting dungeon crawl. sounds cool. and not in a "i'm the only non-disfigured guy at this LARP party" way, but actually cool. as in, thiefs actually have to thread a lockpick carefully around mildly electrified cogs in a simulated lockpicking attempt, and if they get zapped, they take damage. there are actors wandering about in coolzors monster costumes, traps strewn about, a REAL LIVE TAVERN, etc etc...
by the way, when and where is the closest GENcon? I've been hankerin' to go to one of those large thingies anyway. maybe get into one of those BIG starfleet battles or battletech games...
coffee this afternoon, as soon as i can get out of here. it will be a welcome break in an otherwise hectic week.
i can't WAIT to be out of this city for a couple of nights. i must admit that i really got used to the peace of being far far away from my colleagues. the critical factor there is simply that i'm out of their immediate sphere of awareness/dependance, which permits me the luxury of free thought without a constant barrage of silly phone calls and even sillier questions.
oh yeah, note to self: There ARE no stupid questions. Just stupid people.
and that' to grow on.