we bought a few movies last night before heading over to house-sit my folks' giant haunted mob mansion.
my intention was to buy 28 Days Later, a very well made (read: non-hollywood) pseudo-quasi zombie flick. it has that almost orgasmic beginning where someone wakes up and discovers the entire city has been abandonded/overrun/exterminated and must find his way and figure stuff out. anyway, we succeeded in buying a nice copy of this movie at the third store we hit, but not before also buying a 2 disk version of Unforgiven (one of the greatest westerns EVAR), the director's cut remake of Dawn of the Dead (I don't care if it's not Romero's version, which I also have. Ving is cool), and Tango and Cash for Clayton. Hey, it was cheap, and he loves that movie.
oh, and conga rats to you, 'Foo. hope the thang works out.
things to do today: 1- drop lamps off at work for repair.
2- drop off clothes and food at home, and get danny's keys.
3- go to mom & dad's to check on the fucking bird and eat lunch.
4- pick up danny's car & head back to office.
Oh, and fit some work stuff in there too.
meh. not too bad, and the weekend promises glory and up-northness.